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Living and working somewhere as beautiful as Cornwall serves as a reminder that we all have to take responsibility for our impact on the planet and to do what we can to make a difference.

As a company, sustainability is an important part of our day to day business and we try to concentrate our efforts on three core areas – environmental, social and economic sustainability.

When it comes to Environmental Sustainability, we are constantly striving to develop a paper free environment wherever possible, recycling materials and thinking carefully about the products that we use for cleaning. In fact, internal client documentation is signed using the iPad Pro or DocuSign, which has saved a huge amount of printing and made the meetings more efficient. We also ensure that company cars are eco-friendly, all office printers are default set to double sided printing and internal documents make use of fast printing, in order to save ink.

We encourage our team to put forward any ideas they may have regarding reducing FPC’s environmental impact and we have recently been an active corporate supporter of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Charity, which assists in protecting and enhancing the natural environment across Cornwall. In addition to this we were one of the first corporate sponsors of KERDROYA, a major new piece of permanent public art – a 56m diameter classical labyrinth built of Cornish stone hedging at Colliford Lake on Bodmin Moor.

We are proud of what we do but know that more can always be done.

In terms of Social Sustainability, we invest in our team through our ‘Education Strategy’, making sure that they achieve their full potential. However, we will never lose sight of the need for all of us to enjoy a good work life balance. To this end those on a training contract are given one day per week to focus on their studies and an agreed timeframe e.g. two years in which to pass their examinations. This gives everyone the opportunity to get involved with community activities, spend more time with their families, have more time to continue their studies/education and has improved health and wellbeing.

The FPC team - Donna, Jerry, Tyler

FPC is committed to playing an active part in our local community and takes seriously the issue of corporate social responsibility. As such, we are an active contributor in the regional business community, supporting local business groups and events. 

We have supported The Cornwall Air Ambulance, sponsoring the aircrew’s uniform with Pete Storer as our Critical Care Paramedic. As Jerry is a member of the Million Dollar Round Table Foundation (the charitable arm of MDRT) he won a grant for ROC in 2016 towards the cost of a trainer tractor, one of $5,000 for The Cornwall Air Ambulance in 2019 towards the purchase of a new helicopter, one of $1,000 towards the refurbishment of the Hall for Cornwall and one of $2,500 for the Truro Food Bank in 2023.

Additionally, we like to help some of the lesser known local charities such as Drama Express, who work with children with special needs to develop confidence and self-esteem through performing arts based activities.

We were at one point also major corporate sponsors of the Hall for Cornwall.

Finally, our focus on Economic sustainability is to ensure that we can continue to contribute to the Cornish Economy for many years to come. We employ people based in Cornwall and we also seek to use the expertise of local firms wherever possible including website developers, technology partners, accountants, bookkeepers, solicitors, and HR consultants to name but a few.